Company Valuation

Plimsoll Business Valuation

Our business valuation service is used by owners and managers for:

  • Annual Strategic Planning
  • Competitor benchmarking studies
  • Sale of a business
  • To acquire a business
  • Value a shareholding / Shareholder disputes
  • Tax planning
  • Transfer to a limited business
  • Divorce proceedings

Example Report

Business Buyers Report

The confidential valuation document lays out clearly:

  • An overall value of your company
  • An equity value showing how it is worth after liabilities have been covered
  • The value of each major shareholding
  • The change in the company's value over the previous 4 years
  • A comparison against 5 other similar businesses

If you are developing an exit strategy, the confidential document we will deliver to you will help start to formulate your thinking. Whether you keep the report to yourself or even introduce it to potential suitors, a Plimsoll Valuation Report will give you a clear vision of what your business is worth.

How accurate are our valuations?

The Analysis gives you an independent opinion on the value the chosen company so you are well equipped for whatever negotiations or planning activities you may have.

Below are details of how much valued the following companies as compared to their recent sales price.

Recently sold companiesOur valuationActual value
Brighton Marine Palace & Pier company (the)£17.6m£18m
John Swan & Sons LTD£7.5m£8.2m
Zip Textiles (Services) LTD£14.9m£15m
Premier Galvanizing LTD£13.3m£15.5m
Smart Card Software LTD£61.4m£64.7m
Glid Wind Farms Topco LTD£435m£423m
Poundland Group PLC£544m£597m

Please note that these companies have not necessarily used the Valuation Service.

Peace of mind Guarantees

All our valuations come with a complete peace of mind guarantee.

Guaranteed confidentiality

Information you provide to us will not be disclosed to any other parties.

Guaranteed Impartial

As we are not involved in buying or selling companies we can assure you of complete independence and impartiality.

Guaranteed to be hassle free

The valuation does not require a meeting, so once we have all the information we require we can produce your valuation within 24 hours if required.

Guaranteed Service

Payment is by invoice meaning you pay nothing until you are completely satisfied with your valuation. All billing paperwork will be marked with a discreet "Special Analysis".


Why have you not asked for my accounts?

We can value your company using the most up to date accounts posted at Companies House.

What if I file partial accounts and don't disclose my sales and profit figures?

We can value your company using the most up to date accounts posted at Companies House. I will contact you personally and discreetly to obtain any missing data required for the valuation, and any additional data you'd like us to consider let us know and we can included it for you.

What if I have more up to date accounts that I have not yet filed at Companies House?

We can value your company on these for no extra charge.

What if some of the 5 companies you picked are not my competitors?

You have the option to choose which companies to include as part of ordering process or you can allow Plimsoll to choose them for you. If the 5 companies chosen are not your competitors we can provide a free re-draft up to 5 working days after delivery.

Can I have more than 5 competitors valued and analysed?

We can value 5 competitors or 10 competitors. The 10 company option costs £499 +VAT. Call 01642 626400 to order this option.

Is this service confidential?

The Company Valuation Service is strictly confidential.

How accurate are the valuations?

The only way to judge how accurate our valuation figure is would be to sell your company. Examples of how our valuation figures match up to actual sales price are available by clicking here

Why should I use Plimsoll?

We have over three decades of experience with more than 30,000 customers, across countless different markets. This experience allows us to understand your business and tailor our services to best suit you.

Purchase the Company report

Order my Company Valuation for £599 +VAT

Order my Company Valuation - express delivery (24 hrs) for £799 +VAT

If you'd like to discuss any aspect of this or any other or our valuation service please give us a call on 01642 626400 or email our Valuations Manager Kevin Solomon at